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dedicated to getting everyone out to
see the Great North American Eclipse of 2024!'s

My total time in the umbra,
after thirteen total eclipses:
42m 00s

*includes 5m 53s of being clouded out!  :-(

Total Solar Eclipse Page
Please note that this site is mirrored. If you got here through, then welcome!

"When's the Next One?"

Next Total Solar Eclipse:
(Visible from Argentina, Chile, and the South Pacific)

14 December 2020


My story of the 2019 eclipse is coming soon!

Take a look at my eclipse stories!


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A word about eye safety when viewing eclipses


1998 (the red is the Chromosphere)


the Diamond Ring

I am a total, complete eclipse junkie. I go to every total solar eclipse I can. I had a pretty good decade in the 1990s, into the 2000's, and I thought I'd write a sort of memoir-type book of my experiences. It's not done yet, and when it is, it'll be a little too much for a web site. But I've included here some of the excerpts that I thought would be interesting.

There are many, many excellent web sites out there, with pictures that are much better than mine, and people who have seen more eclipses, professionals who know more, or can do the calculations, or etc., etc. But I guarantee you, there's no one out there who enjoys seeing an eclipse more than I do! If you're in that category, too, e-mail me, and let's talk!

India, 1995


Eclipse Stories


An amazing coincidence - age 5!

What is an Eclipse?

My First Look (3 Oct 1986)

The Big One - Mainland Mexico (11 Jul 1991)

Ring of Fire - West Lafayette, IN (10 May 1994)

The One That Got Away - Perú (3 Nov 1994)

Long Trip, Short Eclipse - Fatehpur Sikri, India (24 Oct 1995)

You're Kidding, Right? - Mongolia 1997

Eclipse in Paradise - Aruba (28 Feb 1998)

A Birthday Eclipse - Batman, Turkey (11 Aug 1999)

Millennium Christmas Present - Partial Eclipse of 25 Dec 2000

An Umbra Safari - Zambia (21 Jun 2001)

The Sun, the Sand, the Shadow! - Egypt (29 Mar 2006)

Flight into Darkness (1 August 2008)

China - at last! (22 July 2009)

Tatakoto - the end of the earth (11 July 2010)

Sunset Ring of Fire (20 May 2012)

Eclipse at Sea (14 Nov 2012)

My 11th Eclipse - for 11 seconds! (3 Nov 2013)

eFlight - AS870 (9 Mar 2016)

What's Next?

An American Eclipse (21 August 2017)

It was a great day when I found this postcard on eBay! It's unused, mint, and it commemorates a total eclipse which happened exactly three weeks and one day before I was born! (My mom tells me I was late, though, so maybe.....?) Anyway, I thought I'd share it with you.


I never used to notice Fred Bassett before, but now I see he's kind of cool!
(This was for the 1999 eclipse)

Here's a great eclipse-related joke, that sadly has more to do with human communications
than eclipse. It's still pretty funny, though!

Links, etc.

Eclipses are way too cool to keep to ourselves, so here's a link to the best eclipse page on the Internet - Fred Espenak's!

One of Mr. Espenak's latest projects at NASA was to produce (with legend Jean Meeus) a Five Millennium Canon of Solar Eclipses in late 2006. I took those images, extracted them by Saros, and stacked them into animated gifs showing the progression of the eclipses in each saros across Earth's face. Several fellow eclipsers have graciously donated the hosting space to allow me to make these available on the web, and here is one of the sites you can go to if you want to see them!

This is absolutely awesome! Xavier Jubier has put together a tool for searching the Canon, and producing a Google map of each eclipse path. This is a long time in the works, and has been well worth waiting for. Eclipsers the world over will benefit tremendously from this wonderful tool!

A wonderful eclipse photographer, Wendy Carlos, is also one of the century's leading electronic musicians!

Eclipse chasing - Travel notes from Mark Sukhija

It was another great day when Sky & Telescope magazine's eclipse article (July 1999) put me onto this. Dr. Schneider's work (UMBRAPHILE in particular) is spectacular, insightful, revolutionary, fun, useful, and worthy of just about every other good adjective I can apply to a true fellow eclipse lover's work. His eclipse credentials put mine to shame, but I feel his love for eclipses, and applaud what he has done for the entire addiction, uh, hobby.

This site exists to educate and convert. It has always been, and will always remain, non-profit. However, the economy has hit me pretty hard, and so, if you like what you see here, please help support the costs of keeping this site up and going (about $50 a month). I hate to ask, but it's come to that, and I want to keep this site up forever! If you don't want to, that's fine, but if you can help, even with just a dollar, please click below and help me keep the site going. Thanks for your understanding!

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              Net with Kids 4 star site


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Dan McGlaun


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