Please understand my purpose in putting this material up. In lawsuits, you always have conflicting sides attempting to sway the court or the jury that the other guy was to blame. In researching this case, I saw so much of this going on that I could hardly stand it. The deaths of 83 people became nothing more than fodder for these vultures to attack anything and anyone they saw fit to. Because it's part of the whole picture of the event, though, I have to include it.

My intention is not to lay blame! There are a thousand things one could point to and say, "if only this hadn't happened, then...." I'm not going to point fingers. I truly believe this accident was an Act of God, in every sensible definition of that term.

The reader is urged not to continue if the presentation of facts as they were presented by unashamedly biased counsel will cause them more emotional harm than good. It is totally contrary to the spirit of this page for anyone to be upset by its contents!
